Cisco ME 3400 is a next generation second - layer / third - layer client point device series Ethernet access switch designed for telecom operators. The switch's design is based on the deployment experience of Cisco Catalyst® 2950 and Catalyst 3550, these are today's most widely used access switches. It provides the most comprehensive security solution for Metro Ethernet access, including users, switches and network protection. Support multiple software mirroring, can improve the flexibility of deployment patterns. Today we will introduce the Cisco ME 3400 switch with question and answer style.

1. Question: What is the market positioning of the Cisco ME 3400 series?
Answer: The positioning of Cisco ME 3400 is client point device CLE of ETTH and ETTB markets. It’s the succeeding products of Cisco Catalyst 2950 and Catalyst 3550 series in metro Ethernet Market.
2. Question: Are the Cisco Catalyst 3750, Catalyst 3560, Catalyst 2970 and Catalyst 2960 product lines also positioned as a metro Ethernet market?
Answer: No, only Cisco ME 2400 and ME 3400 and the Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro series are suitable for Metro Ethernet markets, only they will add new metro Ethernet features in the future.
3. Question: Does the Cisco ME 3400 series support HQF or MPLS features?
Answer: No, but the Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro serial switches support these features.
4. Question: Can I choose the software version?
5. Question: What are the small pluggable (SFP) ports available in the Cisco
Answer: The Cisco ME 3400 series supports the ATO implementation process. This allows you to select the software version you want to load on the switch. Also, you can choose the attachment type that are attached to the switch.
ME 3400 series?
Answer: Cisco ME 3400 Series switches support 100 and 1000MB SFP. Including Cisco 100BASE-LX, 100BASE-FX, 100BASE-BX, 1000BASE-LX, 1000BASE-SX, 1000BASE-ZX and 1000BASE-T SFP, And coarse wavelength division multiplexing CWDM SFP.
6. Question: What are the characteristics of Cisco ME 3400 serial switches?
Answer: 1. High service availability
2. Flexible and differentiated services
3. Remote management and troubleshooting
4. Secure network services
7. Question: Does this switch support third party optical transceivers?
Answer: Yes. You are advised to use our certified compatible CISCO
optical transceivers.
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